Get Help
Technically, this site is still brand new (YAY!!) so there really isn’t a “frequently asked question” in existence yet to add to this list. I’m just guessing on some common things I might get asked about in the future!
Please also remember to BE KIND; this site was made with love and built by one person who has a toddler and many distractions. So if there’s something going wrong, please don’t get frustrated — I’m here to help and get it fixed as best I know how! Email me at contact [AT] uglyducklinghouse [DOT] com or DM me on Instagram @needlespark.
(replace the “[at] and [dot] with their obvious @ and . symbols; this is unfortunately how I have to list it out to limit spam emails, but I want to make sure these aren’t buried in my inbox!)
If you don’t find your answers below or need clarification, just reach out. Your help in this matter will improve the list of FAQ below and make them more accurate to issues others may be facing. Thanks so much and I hope you love these patterns!